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misterjonez's picture

I was thinking similarly when I read that on their site.  I suppose all it proves is that people can twist numbers around to fit any position, but we already knew that from our history with politicians.
As for Cliff Lee, I don't know what to expect from this guy.  If he's not a commitment to winning, then I don't know what is.  He's a workhorse, and it would seem that on his bad days he's what John Lackey hopes to be on his good days.  Great show by Z.
The prospects are decidedly not painful to lose.  Nothing in there was relied upon to contribute next year, and none of them are irreplaceable commodities.  Speedy OF with high BA at A-ball?  Live arm with suspect mechanics unproven at high minors (x2)?  Send those players out every time you can, if there's a true impact player coming your way.
All day long, baby.

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