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like with Carl Everett that the ultra PC NW media will actually help a situation.  Bedard was an easy target because he was a (in the media's eyes) spoiled rich white kid who refused to play nice.  Where as Carl and Milton are both under privileged African Americans who pulled themselves out of the hood from their boot straps, and struggle with their humanity and the scars that big bad White America has left on them.  If anything MB will be lauded as a hero by the Seattle press, especially if he gives them a juicy sound byte or two :)
Further after reading many of the accounts of Milton's bad behavior it tends to be him reacting to something some one else did or said to him.  Unfortunately this makes him an easy target for smack talk and the like from, well... everyone (fans, press, opponents, umps), but I would much rather have to soothe a person who cares TOO much than try to motivate someone who just doesn't care.  Personally I have a feeling that Bradley will do just swimmingly here in Seattle.  The positive clubhouse, coupled with the ultra pc media, added to the motivation by being on strike ... uh ... 5 with the league.  If Milton can't succeed here, then it might be time to find another day job, or a doctor with a better prescription pad.
That reminds me, I was wondering what type of counseling and meds do ball players usually get, or is that not macho, or against league rules or anything?

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