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IcebreakerX's picture

Try thinking of it this way...
What if Saunders was the one Zduriencik wanted to keep from trading all along?
If you look at how they've treated Saunders, it's mysteriously value-dropping, rather than value-plussing plays. Mainly played against lefties, didn't play a lot period, etc.
At the same time, Z knows that the Phillies have the 'in' on the M's with Gillick and Hooper, but at the same time, he has some in to them as well, since it's not as if every scout left the M's for the Phillies either. If Z knew that Gillies was valued higher than Saunders at the highest levels of the previous M's, he could play that up further by 'protecting' Gillies by offering parts like Morrow. What if the initial Lee offer of Morrow and Saunders was sunk by not only Saunders, but also Morrow. After all, neither player were part of the final deal.
The articles on the trade are mostly one-sided accounts, entirely on the Toronto/Philly side of things. We only know that the Brandons Trade was isolated from the Lee Trade and a few knick knacks on the M's farm. We have practically zero solid info on the M's Front Office MO, whereas Toronto and Philly have been gushing to the press.
I think there's a possibility that Jack Z is actually trying to depress the market for some of his own players so he can move his less pliable assets in his trades. The same could be said for Lopez, even. IMO, it makes more sense if we take nothing at face value with regard to the M's and assume that everything is true, but also a lie.

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