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TAD's picture

I too like Kelley a bunch.  Not sure why the M's stuck him in the bullpen immediately while in the minors since he was a pretty decent starting pitcher in college although he did have some elbow issues.  Maybe the M's should look to see if he could hold up to the load of a starting pitcher.  Since he already has mastered his control, if he further develop an off speed offering, I'm sure he would perform just as well if not better than Snell.
As for Aardsma needing to throw an off speed pitch in there once in a while, I agree.  But I believe the same can be said for Lowe.  From my recollection too often players would sit fast ball and fight off pitch after pitch until they would get one they could handle.  I'm not quite certain he would be any more effective than Aardsma when it comes to closing.  Anyway players are frequently evaluated statically and not as evolving and honing their talents.  This can be especially true of pitchers if they can discover an effective pitch.  Case in point would be JJ Putz - he was not anything real special until the splitter came along.  I would imagine that Aardsma is somewhat aware of his one pitch arsenal and could very well be working on developing a splitter or some other offering to help keep hitters off his fastball.
As for a LOOGY bring on Randy Johnson - I'm all for it.

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