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I'm with Doc on the Kotchman analysis - he's basically Greg Dobbs, except at the opposite corner of the infield.  Dobbs also has a very pretty swing that's useless against real pitchers.
Philly did decently well with a few hundred ABs from Dobbs in 2 of the last 3 years.  Trying to pick and choose their spots with him.
Last year he was an absolute disaster, but these things happen when you're not actually a very good player.
I feel basically the same way about giving Kotchman 500 ABs at 1B that I would about giving Dobbs 500 ABs at 3B.  Except having a glove-first 3B can be seen as somewhat reasonable in certain circumstances.  Kotchman plays one of the few positions at which you can stick a large, immobile object that crushes small round spheres into the stratosphere - and Casey definitely does not do that.  Unfortunately, we need someone who does.
The only thing I see here is a glove to hold down the position until we add a major 1B.  Which is long as we actually ADD a major 1B.
Either Branyan comes back, or we go add a monster before the trade deadline.  This team isn't winning a pennant with the current offense going the whole distance, and I kinda thought that was the whole point. 

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