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Into the phrase "all you need is exactly one defensive measure".
Those several points being:
RATE is SUPERB on him
Damon has recently been a CF (James principle:  a "tweener" is assumed to be good at the easier defensive position)
Damon's SX is high
I personally think he looks fine (as I correctly protested that Rauuuul looked better than his Safeco UZR's)
PMR has him as exactly average
The Yankees', Red Sox', and A's scouts, which teams all played Damon in CENTER field
That's hardly "exactly one defensive measure" refuting the jeering at Damon's defense. =)
The burden of proof is, of course, on those accusing Damon of 250-lb. LF defense, because Damon's 6.8 runs per game are very real. 
UZR and RF's suggest that he's trending down, which would be consistent with his age (or leg problems in 2009).  But obviously the defensive indicators are not converging.
That said, given Damon's age, UZR and savvy Bronx fans' perception of him ... if qualified ML scouts agreed that Damon was a major problem in LF, I'd knock -10 or so off his runs total out there.  I'm sure that's how GM's would approach this one, also.

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