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The reason they don't is that they misread where it's going to end up.  Some more than others.  Gutierrez almost never misreads the ball.  Damon seems to overrun the ball a lot when he's going laterally and he has trouble with balls down the line...there were FOUR such balls that doinked in there down the line dring the Yankees' post-season run that looked easily catchable and Damon just sort of jogged in front of them and played them on a hop like he didn't even care.
The graph in your post is interesting, but I put absolutely no stock in attempts to decide which balls Damon should or should not catch...the UZR approach is flawed from the get-go...defensive positioning in NY is different than elsewhere because their left area is larger and the outfielders play shifted a bit more toward RCF a shade left of center and more toward the LF changes the proportions...ESPECIALLY for the left fielder.  Maybe you could hide Damon in LF in Seattle by doing something similar with Gutierrez and Ichiro playing shifted on most pitches...but Damon just doesn't look like he would keep up the defensive synergy we had going most of 2009 in the outfield to me.  I believe he's a -8 to -12 run outfielder form this point onward.

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