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And as far as specifics are concerned, I don't really disagree with the OVERALL ranking of the Mariner's farm as a middle-of the pack type.
I DO disagree with a lot of the individual ratings though.
If Saunder hits 770 OPS with +10-15 runs D in LF he is a 3.5 WAR mini-star like Randy Winn in his prime. That is a quality player worth at least a B+ rating. I'm not even the biggest Saunders fan, but hes definetly a a high quality spec.
Noriega and Liddi are hilariously high. Sorry but I don't buy into the pair of .420 BABIP hitters with terrible plate skills in the low minors. Noriega is more interesting due to his D and SS eligibility, but he has a looong ways to go with the bat.
Moore and Tui are way too low. Halman is low for my taste as well. His plate skills are terrible, but hes eons of a better prospect than Liddi or Chavez. Pothyress should make the top 20.

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