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There's a reason Ms prospects get no respect. They've been garnering disrespect at a steady clip pretty much since AROD graduated.
Last 10 years show what for everyday M specs?
Adam Jones - (who you mentioned)
Lopez -- (the guy Ms *FANS* most want to ditch).
Carlos Guillen? (who they gave away)
Raul Ibanez? (who they gave away - let get good - let come back - and gave away again)
Am I missing anyone?
Lopez & Guillen were both foreign free agents. Ibanez and Jones were both 36th and 37th round draft picks taken 11 years apart. We aren't saying every prospect has to turn into Chipper or Andruw. But, where are the Ms equivalents of Marcus Giles, Klesko, Adam Laroche, Francoeur, Furcal, McCann, Kelly Johnson, etc., etc., etc. for the past decade?
By Mariner standards of the past decade, Yuni was a SUCCESS STORY. And you're suggesting that the masses are under-valuing Ms specs?
Heck - go back 18 months. Who was the #1 Mariner "can't miss" prospect after AJ was traded? His name was Clement. Today, he's a 1B who will get to "compete" for a job with Steve Pearce and Garrett Jones. As a catcher, Clement had lots of value. As a 1B he's moved to the complete other end of spectrum of minimum acceptable production. But, he hasn't established anything YET in the majors. He could end up being good -- or not.
Honestly, if Clement and/or Saunders and/or Moore and/or Carp ... etc. actually start producing in 2010 -- then the perception of the Ms farm is going to begin to change.
30 teams -- 100 slots. That's 3.3 per team if perfectly spread. The Ms have *EARNED* their perceived development rating based on the performances of the last 10 years of Ms prospects, (whether raised in captivity or released to roam foreign ranges).  Ultimately, the perception of how good a farm system happens to be will always lag results.  The Ms farm "might" be much better today -- but the proof is in the production that comes in 2010 and beyond.

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