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He has a change but it's nothing resembling an out pitch.
He's basically a two-pitch pitcher.  I dunno if you can really call him a "converted position player" since he's so young but he increased his FB about 10 MPH once the Tigers org took him off the field full-time, put him on the mound and taught him how to pitch.  His FB is wonderful and his curve is starting to be his impact pitch.  The problem with Rafael Soriano as a starter was that he just didn't have another pitch, no matter how fine a weapon his FB was.  Robles has that 2nd pitch.  I dunno if we can teach him a third, but I'm more concerned with him mastering the two he's got right now.
And I know I'm basically the person highest on Robles anywhere (except probably Robles and his family).  *smiles*  There are worse things.  If Doc can go out on a limb for Tui, I can do it on what I feel is an oak trunk for Robles. His one real caveat is his height.  If he was 6'3" he'd be a "prospect of note." Being short (and somewhat stocky) is causing people to limit his upside projection. 
We'll see if they're right to do so, but based on talent I don't see it.  He gets plenty of movement on his FB so needing that higher downward plane isn't a big deal.  And a change is something that LHPs normally use against RH hitters.  He already KILLS RH batters - it's LEFTIES that he walks (7.6 BB/9 to LH, 3.7 to RH). Most of his other stats are very similar between the two.

When he stops walking lefties he'll be basically unstoppable, no matter his height.  Maybe that takes a 3rd pitch, maybe just better control of the two he's got.  It's not something that worries me yet.


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