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Jpax's picture

That is exactly what I was trying to say but may not have asked the question as clearly.  A big part of scouting is 'projection' and it seems to me that everybody (but the Mariners) missed on the growing power.  Did they just not see the potential, or are 'gritty dirt dog' players more numerous with a history of not panning out.
If I understand G-Money's comments correctly, it seems like the average scout or draft czar will always error on the side of the prospect with a 'A' level of potential (even with less than 50% chance of reaching it) over a perceived 'all around 'B' level talent (with maybe 90% chance of reaching it).
Maybe our new program will help our draftees attain higher levels of success, as G-Money points out, but I am not even sure Franklin needs it.  It just strikes me from the start that he has more going from him then was originally expected.  Even last year in limited time, he hit the ground in Everett streaking like a heat-seaking missle. 

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