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I think I understand a lot of the basics of prospect evaluation, but I have to wonder how so many people seemed to 'miss' on Franklin.  If you were to re do the 2009 Draft, I am sure Franklin would be in the top 10.  Did the sudden emergence of power just come as that big of a surprise to everyone?  I don't think it is a short time fluke.  I tend to believe we are just beginning to see what talents Nick has and the player he can become.
I have always tended to believe that hitters grow linearly (based upon the more pitchers they see) and pitchers tend to grow in plateaus (based upon mastering a skill).  But it sure appears to me that Franklin has 'lept a plateau or two'. 
It seemed to me at the time that all the Draft day 'analysis' really under estimated what Nick's skills and potential were and that very few people were happy with his selection (outside of the Mariner's FO, who seemed estatic to get him).  Did other's simply miss on him or did we see something other teams didn't?
It looks to me as we may have very well gotten two 'Top 10' draftees from one draft with a chance for other contributions from other draftees still to come.  Five years from now, we may be looking at the 2009 Draft as a Monster Draft for the Mariners.

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