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Dr, I fully respect your opinions on pitching.  Looking at the picture of Liriano you have posted, the flying elbow.  Remember Miller Barber and a golf club?  Or Jim Furyk?  Above the shoulder is usually a no no and often players who follow that route also need medical care. 
On the video, Liriano dose just the opposite of what most young hopeful pitchers have to break.  When Liriano plants his lead foot (right), he is slightly closed.  I think that is why he looks set to drive through with his legs but never gets there.  Most kids I work with have habits the opposite - even some who had professional pitching coaches (and I am ANYTHING but that).  But the norm is to open up too early.  It happens in golf and tennis too.  Please check those again and give me your thoughts.  
Liriano has to reinvent himself but I don't think that the slider and his arm are a good match????  That is kids today....Hey, watch my slider.  I thought the M's were smart to limit Felix early on that pitch, even as good as it was.

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