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Hey, I started to read your comments because I loved the way YOU analyzed pitching and have learned a lot from it!  Seriously, that is greatly appreciated.  I just have a sec but looked at a quick video.  His mph are down from the surgeries.  But as you said, little movement.  Your comments on his mechanics are right on.  To me...and so much to learn, his arm is all over the place just in a few pitches.  Like a buggywhip and with the slider that got him there, so much rotation kills arms.  Sad as each pitch was out of the stretch which is never a good sign.  
Looked like he started a strong rotation of the legs to drive towards home and got lost.  He ended up never getting through a pitch and falling off.  I would like to see how far or how early his head was moving forward.  My opinion but does it seem like his arm was moving with his lower body rather than getting set having the arm follow?  When that happens you put too much pressure on the arm and it wasn't created for that.  Your opinions please!!

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