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Thanks Jemanji!  Now I can get back to work!  I hear people ripping these guys apart because they are not built like strong safeties or outside linebackers.  The steroid generation of baseball fans today (scouts included) have gotten used to a new prototype from the old.  With the success of the Lincecums and such, it will be interesting to see if people remember that baseball players should be strong but most of all skilled.  It is not pushing a 300 lb lineman but hitting a 5 ounce ball.  If our 2 first round picks keep getting stronger as their bodies mature (Franklin still doesn't even have his wisdom teeth), they should be just fine.  Especially if their mental outweighs the physical.  Would anyone want Ted Williams in our lineup?  Go look at his rookie first look, I bet a lot of modern fans would laugh at him for lack of transfat. 
No doubt some of you will rip that apart...have at it, but then let's go study how many of the prototypes fail miserably too.  Enjoy your day!

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