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A-Gon for his career demolishes the road and is atrocious at home (.935 vs. .795).  He also destroys righties and is castrated by lefties (.926 vs. .744).  We can correct one of those problems by giving him a home park that's more suited to him...but even in his career year of 2009 he posted a .770 OPS vs. LHP.
Just something to keep in mind - against teams stacked with left-handers or late in playoff games, don't count on Gonzalez.  He WILL be the .750 OPS guy, not the .950 one.
I'll take that problem.  Adrian is just so hamstrung by the Litter Box that it's camoflauging his level of output.  That's the main issue that we can immediate correct.  As for the LHP issue...Ortiz is 150 points worse against LHP too, but it didn't stop him from being a main cog in a multiple WS winner.  So is Prince Fielder, the other 1B I'd look to make a trade for if we can't get A-Gon.  It's a surmountable obstacle.
Fix the park problem and let A-Gon give us a serious boost to the O.
I'd trade several members of the farm for him.  We'd have to...but excepting Ackley, I'm sure we could work out something. ;)

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