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of a guy who married into a family of Alaskan Fisherman...  
Mariners are VERY intimidating.
If they can't cuss you out of the room, or box you into delirium, they drink you under the table :)
These dudes are as tough as it gets.  You trying picking Salmon out of a net sitting in 30 degree water, while its raining and the seas are swelling (as you lean over the skiff) for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week.  My wife tried it for a couple of summers 10 years ago and her knuckles STILL hurt ;)
Of course losing the trident took away some of the edge.  Other more applicable logos, that would at least be more intimidating that the Compass Rose would be a Crab, or even a Salmon drawn in the Native Alaskan style.
Of course the next time you stumble upon a 8 foot tall (at the shoulder 10 ft. if you include the antlers), 1800 pound moose, who could take on your Land Rover and WIN, lets see you stare it down and call it unintimidating :)  Should would help if they went with THAT moose and not the cartoon character they have now!
Quick question, are there any moose in Washington at all?  I thought they were mostly in colder climates, like Alaska and Canada.

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