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Your reasoning seems to be that because sportswriters dislike Bedard due to their own childish petulance, the criticism of Bradley must be because of the writer's bias and prejudice. I don't see how that follows. The two players are completely different people, and the complaints from the media are similiarly different.
As you've pointed out, Bedard is a quiet warrior who maintains his composure no matter what calls he gets from the umpires. He hasn't gotten into confrontations with any umpires, fans or coaches and I haven't ever heard of him having a problem with any teammates. The writers' irritation with him doesn't stem from how he treats people in general, just them. Thus their grudge is entirely personal.
Bradley, on the other hand, is extremely explosive and one of the most volatile players in the sports history. He not only has gotten into physical altercations with numerous people not on his team, but he clearly isn't someone any organization wants in their clubhouse for very long seeing as how he has been kicked from one team to another, including twice being traded simply because his current org wanted nothing to do with him. In the quote you provide, that is what the sportswriter is saying. He is not arguing that Milton has a "weak mind", nor is he ticked that Bradley doesn't give good interviews. Rather the point is Bradley does not get along with other people well over any extended period of time. That seems entirely fair and accurate. Do you doubt that?

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