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We are disagreeing on what type of person Bradley is. You think he is a typical high-maintenance athlete, I think he is an absolutely explosive person who is almost guraranteed to cause serious trouble anywhere he goes, including getting into physical altercations. I do not think he is like Pedro or Manny or most of the other guys you list. Those guy may be prickly, but they weren't consistently bumping umpires, attacking fans and getting run out of town. The only guys who might be in the same category of instability are Belle, Guillen and Everett (and Guillen got kicked off the Angels despite being one of their very best hitters).
If it's true that the Rangers genuinely wanted him back, then the sports writer's characterization of Bradley's stay there would be wrong. But he only played there a single year out of 10 seasons, and almost all his other experiences with ball clubs point to him being very flammable. Why does that one season with the Rangers exactly balance out all the other times he's erupted so that there is uncertainty about how hot-headed he is?
"Google some quotes by Bradley's teammates and managers."
Why? He got kicked off both the Indians and the Cubs. That speaks for itself. Obviously Eric Wedge and Lou Piniella thought he was a serious problem.

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