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As could Randy Johnson, Manny Ramirez, Albert Belle, Carl Everett, Pedro Martinez, Barry Bonds, Delmon Young, Kenny Rogers, Kevin Brown, Jose Guillen, and a lot of guys.
Milton Bradley is not in the least unusual for having been on a lot of teams, nor for being high-maintenance.
Nobody is saying that Bradley's public persona is an illusion.  You and I are talking past each other.
What I'm questioning, is (1) whether Bradley is as unpopular with his teammates as writers claim he is, and (2) whether Bradley is therefore useless in a pennant race, as writers claim he is.  The Rangers' writer said, "good thing he didn't come back to Texas.  He'd have hurt the ballclub." 
That is a huge stretch on the writer's part.  And it's the same thing that people wrote about Bedard.  Writers campaign against players they dislike, by arguing the players will hurt the ballclub.  I don't care for that.
Tell ya what CPB.  Google some quotes by Bradley's teammates and managers.  Isolate to those and tell me what you find.

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