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But, IMO, the job of a moderator is to moderate and not take short-cuts on the job. Limiting chat speak and politics, for me, is a cop out. If you don't want to police, you just have to find more police to do the job.
(Gizmodo is probably actually the best example of a somewhat good control system that seems to work for the most part.)
I do understand that most blogs are labors of love and volunteership, but I just don't agree with any spectrum of limiting the potential of the community. I prefer participting a community where I am trusted with some semblence of trust. I think banning political *bickering* is the point. Banning politics is just a missed target, and this is part of my policy making at the school I work at as well (for instance, I didn't ban games in our school until all other controls were out of the question).

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