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...AGW-Skeptic (as opposed to Climate Change Skeptic) because we are not skeptical of climate change...we're skeptical of manmade alarm-raising climate change.  Many in the AGW-skeptic camp don't even think manmade climate change is ZERO...I, for one, think humans are having SOME influence on climate...what I don't think is that our influence on climate is enough that we should be spending gazillions of dollars combating it when we have much bigger problems that we KNOW are happening and threaten lives in the here and now.
But if you prefer to avoid any and all spin phrases (skeptic is political spin), then the appropriate phrase would be something like "natural climate change advocates" because our primary mission has been to raise awareness of the climate forcing terms that are being ignored or improperly studied by climate scientists when they formulate general circulation models to predict future changes.  My main issue right now is the oceanic temperature cycles - the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation...the combination of which explain a large percentage of the planet's temperature changes in the 20th century.  Climate modelers ignore the PDO/AMO with the assumption that those oscillations should have averaged out to zero impact on planetary temperature after 120 years of data and because they can't figure out what equations they need to use to get their models to accurately reproduce those cycles.  I want to see government money pouring into climate labs specifically earmarked for studying the PDO/AMO and trying to figure out the physical reasons that they occur.  After that, I want us to study solar climate variability in greater depth.  And after that, cosmic radiation and seismic activity and their impacts on climate.  And after that, any other external driver that might impact cloud cover or planetary albedo.  Only once we've figured out the net impacts of as many of those things as possible and modeled them correctly with a GCM are we really ready to try to quantify the impacts of human-generated CO2 and black carbon emissions on temperature.  Not before.

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