In defense of a strict no chat speak rule:
It is quite reasonable for a blog to want to avoid an overabundance of chat speak in the comment section. If you start getting too many posts like this: OMFGBBQ FELIX is so L33T LOL he totally ROXXORED that guy LOL!.
Too much of it does turn the comment section into something a bit tasteless, and it is a legitimate interest of a blog to have some say in the style, content and tone of the comments section.
How can you achieve a goal of limiting chat speak? One option is to just use subjective appraisals of what counts as too much. Unfortunately, people get pissed off when you use subjective appraisals like this. So that leaves a second option, you just rule it out entirely.
I don't really have a stand on what the right option is, but I would be loathe to infer elitism since there is another more reasonable interpretation.
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