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The stats indicate this isn't true.
Chone Figgins Career Men on 2nd, 3rd, or 2nd & 3rd: .289/.352/.401/.753 with 149 RBI in 537 PA
Ichiro Career Men on 2nd, 3rd, or 2nd & 3rd: .338/.484/.405/.889 with 172 RBI in 780 PA
So that's Chone with 63 points of patience and 112 points of power and Ichiro with 146 points of patience and 67 points of power. Admittedly that 146 points of patience contains 137 intentional walks, but why would pitchers suddenly stop walking Ichiro because it's Chone Figgins on 2nd instead of Yuniesky Betancourt? Regardless, judging from their career stats, it looks like it's Chone who swings a little harder and waits a little less when there are men in scoring position.

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