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Well, I don't think hes a better player than Byrnes or even Langerhans. Certainly not as a platoon DH. Odds are against him being better than Garko as the platoon 1B as well.
The question is if he can still give you an 800 OPS and -5 to -10 run defense at 1B. If he can, he might somewhere around a push with Kotchman.. and the clubhouse presence would put him over the top.
I don't Kotchman going anywhere though, and Sweeney is too much of an injury/performance risk at this point for the Ms to drop one of their "gauranteed contract" types.
The only realistic scenario I see is with Saunders/Byrnes/Langerhans winning the LF job outright and then adding Sweeney. I wouldn't be in favor of it in that situation however. I think the platoon LF brings more value to the team than Sweeney can as a platoon DH at this point in his career.

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