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glmuskie's picture

At least I think so, with regards to this team's current strategy w/r/t acquiring players and roster management. It's more holistic than 'The only thing we care about is defense'.
But we differ in our views on a few things.
First off, I take Z basically at his word. Of course he's careful about what he says publicly, as any competent leader in a high-profile position would. But to say that what he says resembles the truth only coincidentally, that's quite an exaggeration. I can't think of one thing he's said that is even marginally untruthful, to our knowledge.
Second, the argument that he replaced Reed, Sexson, and Vidro with better offensive players and therefore defense is not a mandate --- doesn't hold water. Any replacement of those three by a competent GM would have been a significant offensive upgrade.
It's splitting hairs a bit, but it's backed up by what the org has said their strategy is. They didn't say, 'Gutierrez is a good offensive player, and - bonus! - he's a great defender'. They said, 'Gutierrez is the best defensive CF in the game, and - bonus! - he's a pretty good batter'.
The FO has been very specific and clear about what their strategy is. They will work to improve the offense, *so long as the defense doesn't suffer as a result*.

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