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glmuskie's picture

I don't think the Blogoshpere's disposition on the defensive emphasis of this organization is out of whack.
Everything this club has done and said emphasizes defense. The players they've targeted, traded for, given up the most to get, have been defense-first guys. When they talk about their players, they emphasize defense over, and over, and over.
Will they sign Branyan as a stopgap? Sure. Give 'em a little more time, they'll go get Kotchman and drop Branyan like a hot potato. Will they sign Griffey again? Sure, but they told him to leave his outfield glove at home. Sweeney, he was a DH mostly last year, if he makes the club he'll be riding the pine too. DH doesn't have a big defensive impact. ; )
I think the blogosphere realizes that Z is the guy who drafted Prince Fielder. Also the guy who had a 6-for-1 to bring in A-Gone. The same guy who said the one thing the M's are missing right now is 'an aircraft carrier in the middle of the lineup'. Z appreciates big bats. I think most people realize that.
But the org has made it extremely clear. They WILL NOT make a move if they think it means they take a step back defensively. They've said exactly that. And they've shown they will take an abysmal bat and put it at short if it means getting an elite defense-man there.
I don't think their strategy of targeting defensive players was because that was all they could afford. The money was part of it; but I think even if they had unlimited funds, they would have targeted defensive guys because I think that's the way they want to build the club.

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