But have you read his refutation of PAP? It's anything but seat-of-the-pants.
I've worked with James on several little studies, and seat-of-the-pants is hardly how I'd characterize his approach. He designs studies and sims to solve problems, often inventing the approaches as he goes it's true, but when he is done, the variable is isolated and the proof rock-solid.
One thing we can assert as fact: James isn't limited to educated guesses. He has written dozens, or hundreds, of well-controlled studies.
But, again, I'm not saying James is the last word. The truth is the last word. :- )
A segment of the 'sour grapes' crowd views James as an inferior analyst, and I'm merely responding to that. They're welcome to debate him, if they can get onto his radar, and they'll be quickly disabused of their condescension.
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