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I was surpised to find that it's hard to argue against many of the projections Marcel has made (at least for Mariners) as I rarely agree with the projection systems' views.  But of course there's always Ichiro, there's only been one year in his career where he didn't best at least one of the .365 OBP or the .418 Slugging projected for him.  There's also the fairly dismal projection of Rob Johnson (where his BABiP only improves to .280) and the slightly optimistic projection of Jack Wilson (an improvement on both his career OBP and SLG).  If you make an adjustment where you drop Wilson down to his average numbers, improve Ichiro up to his, and move Rob Johnson half-way to Adam Moore's (also rather optimistic) projection, then the run expectancy inches upwards a bit more to 4.99 RPG/808 RPY for an extra win by the pythag formula.  But of course the run projection system is flawed in more ways than just not accounting for backups.  In the tool's eyes, all players run at the same speed, hit in more or less the same manner no matter the runners on base (or their batted ball profile), and all play in the same run neutral stadium against the same league average defense.

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