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Y'know - I've had precious little to say about Fister since he arrived.  I don't get much screen time for the Ms -- which I still see as a plus - as it makes me blind to eyes-on bias.
My take on Fister?  I've not said anything, because I was hoping the mass love-fest for the guy would turn out well.  Developing pitchers 'develop'.  They have ups and downs.  You shouldn't read too much into any given start. 
But, the numbers are just Baaaaad.  In the minors, his career line is:
10.4-Hits; 0.8-HRs; 2.2-BB; 6.6-Ks. 
At NO LEVEL in the minors did Fister ever allow single-digit hits/9.  He's a guy with a 4.38 career minor league ERA - based off the basic simple reality that he can throw VERY hittable strikes. 
Jaku transitioned to a 7.8-K/9 guy, which spurred his move to the majors.  Fister hasn't EVER been as good as Jaku -- and Jaku was in over his head in the majors.
Garrett Olson?  7.5-hits/9 -- 8.7-K/9 in the minors. 
French?  9.6-Hits/9 -- 0.7-HR; 2.8-BB; 6.0-K (but 7.9 K/9 in his last AAA stint before being called up by Detroit).
Fisters NUMBERS show him to be INFERIOR to every single #5 wannabe that the blog-o-sphere despises.  I think it's simply a case of he came in, threw strikes, and got INCREDIBLY lucky in his first few starts with the Ms.  The entire perception of Fister has been skewed by the emotional context of his first handful of performances.  Being that he's young - the knee jerk (and often wrong) response of: "He can only get better!" got way too many Ms fans to bite hook, line and sinker.
Based on JUST the numbers - Fister has about as much chance to be a valuable MLB contributor as my 16-year-old neice. 
Sadly, the even worse conclusion here -- is that Z has a view of pitching that is looking more and more to be HORRIBLY skewed.  I'm thinking there is an over-obsession with throw-strike pitchers to the point of blindness to the simple reality that just because Jim Bouton might be able to still throw strikes in BP does not mean he's someone you want in a game.
While I'm still high on Snell -- I think the Jaku, French, Olson, Vargas and Fister selections point to a potentially serious flaw with Master Z.  It's fine to appreciate control pitchers -- it's detrimental when appreciation turns to obsession.  And I also think that there's some ego in play here -- that "developing" a soft-tossing control guy would cement Jack's baseball savvy -- (as opposed to simply recycling one that has already proven successful -- like, say - Washburn).
IMO - Fister has less reason to be in the majors than Olson.  Olson has just already been exposed as a AAAA pitcher.  Fister?  Personally, I'm not even certain he's a AAA pitcher.  I think his AAA spike in '09 was little different than French's - (but French, at least, wasn't giving up 11 hits a game). 
I suspect there is someone out there who qualifies - but I certainly don't recall seeing ANY SP with a couple hundred innings in the minors who AVERAGED double-digit hits for his minor league career who went on to succeed in the majors.  Part of what you want to project a minor leaguer is that he has AT LEAST shown the ability to prevent minor league hitters from knocking him around.  Fister has never even demonstrated that.  He's the 'quirky' journeyman you keep stashed to throw that emergency start a couple of times a year.  He has no business at all being anywhere near a rotation otherwise.

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