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He started the AFL slowly too.  He came around by the end.  There his problem was not getting to play every day, so it was messing with his rhythm.
I dunno what his problem is right now, but I'm not especially worried about it.  When a kid is that talented, he'll get the bat on the ball eventually.  Week-long slumps early in the season scare us as fans, but there are a lot of ABs to go.  These things are barely noticeable later in the season, except as a footnote.  "Oh, he's 2-for-his-last-18?  Guess his BA has dropped a coupla points..."
Ackley's never gone through Spring Training before - if it put him out of his rhythm, then that's perfectly understandable. 
He's gonna uncork a 4-for-4 day here shortly that'll move his BA to .260-whatever in a day. It's just a small slump. Save the worrying til he's still batting .091 in May. ;) 

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