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1) Seems like it's maybe 70% of national saberdawgs who actively resist the idea of CERA. 
2) For some, no doubt it's true... "prove it to me and then I'll buy it" is the mindset du jour... Believe it was James who coined the phrase, "In God we trust; all others must bring data" so am not trying to beto harsh about it.
Do think there are others who are "annoyed," so to speak, by the suggestion that there are light bulbs they don't have access to :- )
Think it was James who replied to a HBT (?) "proof" that CERA doesn't exist, by setting up a sim in which Catcher A actually had a CERA a run better -- and then demonstrating that the saberdawg's method did not detect it.
On 3 ... there may be a very serious gap between RJ and Moore at the moment, agreed...
Great post.

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