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I agree with what you said 'rat cheer, San.
When I'm pushing forth a position with vigor, it's rarely in view of anything said here, MC ... or LL, for that matter.  :- )   When reacting to a position -- which we hope we don't do as a very large fraction of our material -- it's usually in reaction to what I would view as an angry, dogmatic consensus driven by a 10,000+ person audience ... still we hope it comes off as light rather than heavy...
If you and I were in the bleachers live I guarantee you we would get along splendiferously :- ) ....
But the internet is by its very nature given to misunderstandings and flame wars... am thankful on my end that SSI and MC minimize them as much as they do...
Where I can do better on my end, jus' lemme know San-Man...

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