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RockiesJeff's picture

Maybe spoiled as a fact or in the verbal was not the best description without concrete proof but you search through the history of MB and you will find a man who has made more money in one year than most extended families in a lifetime.  It is not a money issue per say but one that has found ingratitude at every step.  Forget the actions and outbursts.  Have I missed periods of gratefulness, seeking to be responsible, wanting to make restitution?  That is how I would qualify such a statement right or wrong.  Forget spoiled but I think "acting as a spoiled child" could be a character trait....illness included.  Offend you? Didn't mean to.  I have had to deal with my suicidal people and I do not make light of the overflow of physical.  I hope the best for the man.  I really think with this man baseball as a game should be considered quite trivial in comparison with his long term well being.  Thanks for your comments.  By the way, I never suggested he was faking.  I believe to him it is all very real.  Sadly, too real.  No longer America's pasttime!

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