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Con men do what they do because THEY get some kind of reward for it?
What, precisely, has been Bradley's reward for his miserable behavior? 
Einstein's definition of insanty was doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result.  Bradley blows up REPEATEDLY -- and gets fined, suspended, punished, fired, ridiculed, etc., etc., etc.  How, in God's name is this benefitting him?
To say he's a "con man" when he's calm, reasonable and being repentent is only possible if one believes he is also INTENTIONALLY blowing up and melting down repeatedly by CHOICE. 
Bradley's behavior has cost him money - playing time - endorsements - employment.
You say Bradley is not mentally ill.  Fine.  Then, please explain to me what BENEFIT Bradley has gotten from each and every one of his very public explosions.  Do *YOU* work with people who act that way - on a regular basis? 
The basic reality here is that Bradley has EMOTIONAL issues.  Emotion and intellect are two completely different animals.  Bradley can be perfectly rational - can be genuinely repentent - can be knowledgeable about the idiocy of his bad behavior - and *STILL* repeat the behavior.  How?  Because the behavior isn't driven by intellect.  He cannot "think" his way out of his emotional torture chamber. 
The guy in the bar cheating at least is getting something positive from his behavior, (assuming he scores). 

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