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Taro's picture

Doc, you're looking at his vertical break there.. Piniero's two-seam moves around 10 inches the past two years. Fister is closer to 7 (6.27inches last night).
Fister has turned out better than I expected, but I don't buy into him fully yet as a Carlos Silva/Jon Garland type until he strikes out more or continues to keep guys rolling over. He throws slower than Silva and hes not missing ANY bats (even Silva misses about twice as many), but he doesn't show a HR issue and has low BB and high GB.
I'm starting to think hes closer to a true talent mid-to-high-4 ERA type as opposed to a 5 ERA type, but I need to see more missed bats and a continuation of the GB trend.
I think its more likely his GB rate stays in the high 40s since he doesn't have a Piniero-esque sinker, but if he can continue to limit the BBs and not be hittable or have high HR rate, he'll be better than I expected.

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