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I.P.'s picture

That's it in a nutshell.  He's been skittish every second of every minute of every moment that he has been on the field since then -- and yes... his interviews almost come off as if he's suffering from severe personality disorder since then too.
I really want to believe that there is more to it, that maybe everyone and their brother missed something but it makes no sense at all.  Guys get older and their batting eye improves, Casey's has gone poof and it'd done so in the ugliest most uncanny of ways.  He used to GIDP cause he hit the ball hard and you could see the developing spin..  Since then he seems to "hatchet boy" every at bat...  Almost like a scared child fighting off an attacker..
You can almost certainly start his fall from grace to that shot to the side of the head.
Given the freak streak of injuries he had early on I sometimes wonder if he's not just living in some state of fear waiting for the next thing to happen.

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