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The GM IS, however, ethically compelled to be, at all times, trying to maximize his franchise's potential to be competitive consistently going forward.  If you're down 27-6 in the 8th do not burn your closer and your best set-up man trying to win that ballgame.  It's pitch your back-up catcher and your utility infielder if it saves the bullpen for games that you CAN win later.  THe same is true do not try your absolute hardest to win 75 games that don't matter one iota if the 162 games in 2011 and the long term plan that leads to 324 games in 2012 and 2013 wherein the club plays competitively and pleases those clients can be better set up by doing poorly now and saving your resources.
This is a  It's a soldier that's been shot 118 times and had his body torn apart by pillaging vikings.  You do not spend your last ten dollars on a pack of gause to make the dead team look prettier in the grave.  You spend those ten dollars investing in your next soldier's battle gear to fight better the next time.

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