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If we cancel the fractions, we're left with this in principle:
1) the #7 and #8 prospects in a given org -FOR-
2) A short-term platoon duo who figure to hit #4 for you, for one or two years.
What is the lesson learned there?  If there is one to be learned, then yes, I'm still absent one light bulb. 
I don't see why the above trade paradigm is incorrect in principle, no.
I believe that is a 100% legitimate, and wise, use of farm resources:  to cash them in and (try to) complete the jigsaw puzzle when you have a shot at the ring.
Perez and Broussard came over here and BOOM, their tandem .500 SLG shut off like a light bulb.  I'm genuinely unclear what I'm supposed to learn from that.

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