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Having the rug pulled from under them, it's almost difficult to believe their umbrage, when stories like this have been popping up ever since the Yankees moved in to their new stadium  (Note the top where it's mentioned that the Steinbrenners pulled out of their lease at the last second, I guess it's only OK when the Yankees do things like that).  Of course, whether I'm insulted at their insult makes no difference, they get to do whatever they'll do.  If that happens to be punishing the Mariners by denying them whatever they can deny them, then so be it.  However, that is a two-way street, as in cutting themselves off from deals with the Mariners, they're limiting their own option as well. 
The Yankees are already cut off from one of the other big payroll teams more than any team is cut off from any other team.  I'm of course referring to the Red Sox, and just as the Yankees are one of a handful of teams that can pull off mega deals, the Mariners are one of the 15 or so teams with the payroll capacity to take on players with larger contracts.  The Yankees are already at war with the Red Sox, how much would it complicate matters for them to add the Mariners to THE LIST?

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