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TAD's picture

Hey NYMariner05,
I agree it will probably not be simple thing for Z to move Figgins, but hey that's what Z gets paid the big bucks.  It is relatively easy to bring back big returns when you have valuable commodities that others want i.e. Lee and Putz.  Now is the time to see if Z can admit a mistake regarding Figgins and move on.  Can Z find a taker for Figgins well that's what he is paid to do - if it were an easy job well Bavasi would have succeeded and he would still be our GM.
If the M's do decide to keep Figgins it better because he pulls a Bradley and begins to march lock step in tune with Wak and the culture the M's are attempting to build.  But even if he does do that I'm unsure if his talent and actual performance will be what the M's need over the duration of his remaining contract.  The other risk if you keep him he may have another poor season next year which would reduce his value even further.  Potential buyers may believe this could be just a one year blip and it’s due to Figgins needing to move off position and having to adjust to a new environment while if this continues into next year it would be tougher to convince anyone this has not become an issue with diminishing physical skills.

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