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Minor clarification:  we're saying that a total lack of #3-#4 hitters, intersected with a very questionable lineup up-and-down, creates more 1982 Mariner seasons than I care to remember.
I've seen what, 20-25 versions of Mariner teams that realized, in May, that they had a AAA lineup -- and who were embarrassed to go out and pretend they belonged on the same field with the big dogs.
Twenty, twenty-five seasons I've watched Mariner teams crestfallen in May.
Bill James called it in March.  So did Geoff Baker.  This was a team that needed its lineup legitimized, precisely because it didn't have a roster full of underrated David Delluccis.
So, it's not quite as simple as Dunn = a few close wins = confidence, but it IS as simple as 8x AAA hitters + Ichiro = a ballclub that quits early.
Good post man.

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