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benihana's picture

We all agree that this roster has greatly underperformed expectations.  The question presented is why?  In 2004 it was easily attributed to age related decline.  However with 2010 it seems that we have a very different set of factors.
Doc is hypothesizing that a key factor in the offensiveness of the offense is the lack of a true MOTO hitter.  The opposing pitcher doesn't fear anyone on the line-up card and therefore the line-up is rendered punchless.  Confidence in sports plays a tremendously underrated and impossible to quantify factor in production.  The best evidence seems to be the fact that superstars tend to be cocky as all get-up.  Doc has written quite a few posts encapsulating this idea.
I guess I don't understand where you are coming from Matt.  The drum beat is regarding a proposed hypothesis, a light-bulb turning on, attempting to render sense from this unpredicted collapse.  Seems to me that intention of the front office is irrelevant. 
Personally, I don't buy it.  I think this team could of, and should of produced with the line-up they went into the season with.  I further don't believe it was the result of opposing pitcher confidence due to lack of 'thumper'. I, like many others, envisioned this offense as the culmination of annoyance.  Single by Ichiro, walk by Figgens, double steal, sac fly, steal, sac fly, and before everyone is ushered in the M's are up 2-0, supported by solid pitching and a lock down bullpen and what do you get? Lots of wins.  What happen though? Walk off loss after walk off loss.  The offense and starting pitching did their job in April/May and the bullpen blew lead, and frankly this team flat gave up.  Or at least they went into each game thinking they'd find new ways to lose it - and that negative attitude was self-fulfilling. 
Here is where I believe the greatest knock on Wakamatsu lies.  His preference for and insistence on a 'belief system' - when that 'belief system' was counter to and often in direct opposition of winning that ballgame was a de-facto acceptance of losing.  There is only one acceptable 'belief system' in professional sports - WINNING.   Continuous use of your worse reliever in high leverage situations, continuous use of your worst hitter in the middle of the line-up, failure to play better producing players, etc, etc, etc, sends a clear, clear, clear message that results didn't matter.  
The other team not caring if they win or lose gives way more confidence to the opposing side than lack of that MOTO thump. 
Just my $0.02.
- Ben.

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