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A couple of guys to knock in runs is a great thing to have.
It doesn't make a bad offense good - or even average.
Z picked up Branyan to replace Sexson and Griffey/Sweeney to replace Vidro.  The team hit 36 more HRs.  The team scored 31 FEWER runs.
Does the current club need some guys to knock in runs?  Yes.  And they need some guys to BE knocked in.  Pick a role ... they need a bunch of guys.
I guess where I'm on the same page with Matt here is that your focus on "glove first" decisions seems to have become a dominant thread throughout many of your writings.  The sub-text is that "if Z weren't so focused on defense, we'd be much better."
But, the data doesn't match the position.
Branyan (in '09) was NOT a "glove first" decision.
Figgins in '10 was NOT a "glove first" decision -- (I'm gonna laugh at anyone who suggests Beltre to Figgy was about improving defense).
Bradley was NOT a "glove first" decision.
Even Kotchman wasn't a "glove first" decision -- it was a "contract length" decision.
There's an undertow in your writing that seems to suggest "if we had a star in the middle of the lineup - a masher -- then the rest of the lineup would be better."  Except, we have real world data that says this belief is completely false.
In 2009, THIS TEAM - with Branyan mashing to the tune of 1000 OPS finished dead last in total runs scored.  But, what were the two BEST months for scoring for the 2009 club?  August and September, (when Branyan had stopped hitting - or was completely gone).
The club had its best offensive months in terms of OPS, HR, and runs scores *WITHOUT* Branyan being a part of it. 
The good news?  At this instant - the #1 (non-injured) bat on the Mariners team is Saunders.  If Smoak can get puffin', then it's possible that Seattle 2010 could end the season with the Justice/Gant foundation to build on.

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