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I wasn't grouping Ackley as a glove-first move.  Indeed, moving him to a middle infield spot is an excellent use of resources (assuming he will handle it, as I do).  I think he will eventually show a solid SLG, but it will take him a few years.  Putting him at 2b means he'll contribute greatly even if he never develops a lot of SLG (but, like I said, I think he will).
I totally agree that Z won the JJP trade massively and won the Lee flip massively.  Overwhelmingly.  Just to end up with Guti and Smoak is a huge win.  Not to mention Vargas and the potential for Lueke, Beavan, maybe even Cleto, etc.
So I'm not all that down.  You are completely right that some of the moves have been in reaction to BB failed moves (Yuni, Silva, etc.).
And I don't doubt that a run-prevention strategy can work.  San Diego this year is an example, I think.  But they do have a star hitter who can deliver SLG and not just OBP (obviously, Z wants one, too -- not saying he doesn't; let's hope it's Smoak, and soon), but, more importantly, they have had a lock-down bullpen.
Baker emphasizes the lack of offense as demoralizing the team, but I think it was equally the early bullpen failures.
Like I said, I'm not against having a bunch of high-OBP guys and glove-first guys in principle, and I'm not arguing to go out and get a bunch of sluggers just so you can prove that you have sluggers.  I just think the combination of routes that Z has taken puts enormous pressure on the pitching staff, and this bullpen couldn't handle it.

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