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What I've seen with Wak to date is a REPEATED pattern of waiting far too long to react to very, very obvious problems.
Mind you ... as a general rule, I find myself being vastly MORE patient than other fans.  I understand you cannot run around like a chicken with its head cut off ... but Wak has watched player after player after player go completely down the tubes ... either NEVER reacting, or only making a change in response to injury.
In 2009, Beltre got the following team games off before he hit the DL ... #40 (May 18th), #70 - (June 23rd).  He had a 30 game DL stretch, and an 18-game DL stretch, and got 1 other day off for the entire season.  He was hitting .544 through 40 games WITHOUT A DAY OFF. 
Branyan, with a history of back issues, got an early 5 game rest in April (injury), then got a single day off between April 24th and June 18th.  From June 23rd until the end of the season, he never got another "rest" day that was not a result of injury.  From June 23rd, Branyan's OPS dropped from 1004 to .867 (August 28th), which is when his season ended (on the DL).
Gutierrez got some days off in the first half.  But, after a rest day at the start of August, didn't get an off day for the rest of the season.
 In 2010, it's been worse - with Griffey not only not getting benched while hitting like a pitcher ... but not even moved down in the lineup.  His final OPS was .454 ... yet he started 23 games batting 5th and a grand total of TWO elsewhere (1 each in 6th and 7th).
Wak is making Hargrove look like a lineup genius in regards to veteran entitlement.  Heck, they had to DFA Byrnes to get him off THAT horse.  The team leader in OBP (Langerhans) got 7 starts (30 PAs) in May and had an .895 OPS.  He got 3 starts in June (21 PAs) and 4 in July (19 PAs).  While Kotchman was hitting like Ronny Cedeno's little sister, Langerhans continued to sit on the bench.  Okay - TODAY with Smoak and Branyan on the roster, no need to play him ... but Figgins and Lopez play 98 games, and you can't get the only bench bat (not on the DL) with an OPS+ over 100 appears in less than 1/3 of games - and STILL has almost 40 fewer PAs than the .454 hitting DH who was DFAed at the end of May.
Make the HARD decisions?   Wak hasn't made *ANY* decisions. 
With Figgins, the world is SCREAMING that Figgins needs a day off or to be moved down in the lineup ... of flipped with Ichiro ... SOMETHING for almost a month.  *AFTER* Figgy finally starts hitting for 2 weeks THEN Wak drops him to 9th.  You want to know why Figgins doesn't respect Wak?  THAT is why.  On May 26th, Figgins is hitting .563, and deserves to be dropped in the lineup (or FROM the lineup).  By June 5th, his OPS was up to .607.  He had posted an .830 OPS over the previous 9 games, (11 for 40 with 6 walks) and THEN was moved to the #9 hole.  During those 9 games, Figgy was one of the HOTTEST bats on the whole team.
A manage who takes his HOTTEST bats and moves them to 9th in the order is a moron.  If your #8 hitter is hot and your #2 hitter slumping ... yes, you flip them.  The #2 hitter may not be happy - but the move at least makes some sense.  Players UNDERSTAND that guys streak and slump.  And they know if the #8 hitter is hot (and helping the team), then shifting him to #2 in the order for a couple of weeks is likely good for the team.  They can "respect" the decision, even if they dislike being moved.
But, when you move your HOT hitter to #9 in the order, it's just dumb.
Bradley replaced Figgins in the #2 slot.  You know what Bradley had hit from May 28th - June 5th?  .129/.176/.129 (.306).  Bradley had posted a .306 OPS while Figgins was posting an .830 OPS ... and Wak puts the .306 guy into the #2 hole, and the .830 bat in the 9 slot.  That's not a hard choice ... that's idiocy in the extreme.  That move OBVIOUSLY lost him the respect of Figgins ... but likely also lost him the respect of any guy on the team paying attention.  If you're going to reward failure and punish success, why SHOULD players respect you - or try to succeed?

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