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Another good line John...
Intention, amigos, was not to be coy... only had 10 mins on Mon-Tue to put up a quick post, and thought we'd start a conversation thread ... preferably with space for all y'all to direct the scheduled posts...
Ackley's eye is deserving of a post its ownself... he really is the only Rainier who sits back and reads each pitch without cheating (well, now Smoak if you count him) ... special, special pitch recognition and reflexes... in fact in some AB's he reminds 101% of Ichiro/Boggs, waiting, waiting, waiting and then LINING the ball hard to LF with a forearm swing, hips disengaged ...
Other times, he'll decide to swing last-second, WHIP that bat around and smoke it down the RF line... on these he reminds of Edgar...
Hope to get to the 'puter tonight...

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