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Six.  That's how many intentional passes Kotchman has gotten in 2010, (including the Boston free ride).
That's 2nd on the team.  He's one in front of Gutierrez' 5 - (though Gutz has 200 extra PAs).  Then again, in another week, Kotchman may have a better season line than Gutz.
The Doc hits a HR with this thread!
Given the year-long circumstance, what *I* believe the proper move would be for Brown to ...
A) Meet *PRIVATELY* with Figgins and explain his lack of focus/hustle shown on the play in question will NOT be tolerated in the future - and IN THE FUTURE, any punishment for such plays will be immediate and VERY public.  BUT ... for this one time, he'll get the night off on Friday - but with a PUBLIC explanation of just a normal rest day and a chance to get somebody else a little PT.
B) Figgins sits on Friday ... but the public explanation will be that it is NOT punitive -- just a rest day to give Figgins a "2-day weekend" after playing both halves of the double-header.  The press and fans can say what they will - but the intent is to NOT "show up" Figgins publically.
The tricky part about managing a team is the GOAL is to get the most out of the individual players.  The *HOW* may vary from player to player.  Figgins has shown quite clearly that he is hyper-sensitive about being "shown up" in PUBLIC.  So, you let him (and everyone else in the clubhouse) know that you've got his back - BUT - as a player, he is expected to live up to your standards.
While, there may be cases where a "public humiliation" might be exactly the right tool needed - given THIS circumstance, (and the horrible results in wake of the previous such incident), I don't think that is the case here.
Of course, the above is unlikely to happen.  BUT -- the behind the scenes tongue lashing might well take place, and the fans/press might never hear a peep.  The difficulty in being a sideline analyst is the knowledge that things happen that you cannot see. 
In general, I'm inclined to side with Doc, here.  I think he may have Figgins pegged.  But, even if you cannot do anything to improve Figgins' performance/focus for the rest of the season - a manager has to consider the ramifications of his actions (or inaction) on the other 24 guys.  He's gotta DO something - (even if only in the clubhouse) - else he risks having the whole team learn that quitting on a 2-0 game is acceptable.

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