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I just got back from tonight's game in Boston (the 2nd game of the double header). Felix was tremendous.  As much as I like Wakefield, his splitter just doesn't play well on a wet evening.
It was a study of contrasts: Felix and Wakefield, Kotchman and Hall, but especially the uninspired play of Figgins and just about everyone else in the game.
The funniest point in the game was the 7th inning deliberate walk of Kotchman to get to Moore.  Can anyone tell me whether Kotchman has otherwise been deliberately walked this season?  I really couldn't believe my eyes, and just about fell out of my seat laughing.
I was shocked to discover that Bill Hall is slugging 0.470 with 17 home runs.  If he had stayed and run this line with the Mariners, he would be the second most serious threat in their line up, right after Branyan.
I was pleased to finally learn how to pronounce the name "Tuiasosopo."  He had many put outs in left field tonight, but he sure didn't make any of them look easy.
I've been to three Mariners games this season, two in Seattle, and now one in Boston.  The Mariners have won all three.  My wife attributes these wins to luck, not arising from my presence, or (solely) her presence, but to her wearing a lucky pair of pants at all three events.  The pants are especially ugly, but have this one redeeming feature - the are sure to finish the season with more win shares than Chone Figgins.
Forgive me for stating the obvious:  (i) the Mariners should be looking to trade anyone on the team having less value than an ugly, but lucky, pair of pants; and (ii) the key to 2011 may be dressing for success.
It's always a pleasure to read this site.  Keep it up.

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