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Just some of the comments from post.
Franklin reminds some of Olerud
Note the first move of loading is to turn in the lead knee in slightly (golf)....which creates a suble eccentric twist of the hips...while the shoulders stay square to the plate.
and this is done WITHOUT"loading back" ie back leg does not move/body mass does not go back.
From this posture, the shift is a function of the body mass falling forward (the trunk) falling forward not much different than walking.
and the fall turns into blended rotation ...the hips,the trunk shoulders and the wrists from having an extended back wrist which will lead to extension and finish...which he does well
He makes the one move look easy with smoothness and flow.  This type of coordination has developed over time...EFFECTIVE PRACTICE...Look at how quiet his upper body is as he strides out.....
This kind of inaction faciltiates being able to consistently repeat the unloading of the bat.
Look at Ricky...
Posture...tilted...unweighting of the body...allows rotation to happen and set the swing plane...
Stretched lead arm  AIKI
Back arm flexion with extended wrist...
Ready to unload the TORSO...a large part of the anatomy on a firm front side...
I have learned everything that I have said from I love studying and teaching hitting and I believe Nick Franklin is on the rise and the program P3 that they are using is helping Franklin, Ackley and Seager and will continue to help them improve...Kids do not learn how to rotate the body.  My son is 10 and has been doing this since he was 8...We are constantly working on rotation.  If you want to learn how to hit, take the bat away and learn how to effectively use the body....Nick Franklin...

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